Look at this picture very well. The two mangoes represent classmates or age mates, or people who grew up together.   They are obtaining the same nutrients from the same tree, but one ripened before the other. That means they may have attended the same school or started business together, or grew up together, but one made it before the other.   But one natural thing about the two mangoes is that people will leave the green one and pluck the yellow one.
Sometimes, the people you used to teach in school will drive cars before you.  It is also natural that people will associate with the yellow one and despise the green one. Even if the green one follows the yellow one to fall, people will still avoid the green, and follow the yellow one.   So, what is wrong with the green one? What exactly is wrong with it?  The answer is “nothing”.   It’s just that the green one’s time has not come. That may be you; that is, you may be the green one. Your “yellow” friends came home last Christmas with big cars and rich husbands. And you are now faster than your shadows.
Now, the only thing the green one needs to do is to stick to the tree. Don’t fall off. Don’t let breeze blow you off when you aren’t ripe.  Stay right there. Stop looking around. Stay there and continue absorbing the nutrients. You can even wave goodbye to the yellow one when it is falling to the ground. Don’t get jealous when you see how people are savouring the yellow one. It’s not yet your own time.
The fact that your friends are now driving cars while you still treck, should not make you lose your mind. Stick to God. Stay focused. When the time is right, you will shine.
And by the time you are shining, the yellow one may have been long forgotten.
My dear, you are not competing with anybody in destiny. It can only delay, but it will surely manifest.